Stephen Fry opens up about school sexual assault

TV personality Stephen Fry has revealed that he was sexually assaulted by another pupil while at school.
Appearing on the new More 4 programme Shrink Rap, Fry said that an encounter with a sixth former during his first year of boarding school led to the assault.
The programme, broadcast next week, is presented by psychotherapist Pamela Stephenson, wife of comedian Billy Connolly.
According to sources close to the programme, Fry denies that the event had lasting consequences for his mental health.
The Independent reports that, “It’s all fairly intimate stuff.
“Stephen is pretty honest and up-front about it all. Although it’s a show about therapy, he is quite British about the whole thing … he prefers to dismiss it as just some bloke who was taking liberties.”
Mr Fry has documented his formative years and his battle with bipolar disorder in books and TV programmes.
He attempted to keep his homosexuality secret during public school, and was celibate for 16 years.
He once said that, “It all began when I came out the womb. I looked back up at my mother and thought to myself, ‘That’s the last time I’m going up one of those.'”