Anti-LGBT Christian activists already calling for equality to be rolled back after Brexit

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Christian Concern is already calling for progress on LGBT rights to be rolled back in the wake of the Brexit vote.

Prime Minister David Cameron last month announced that he would resign in the wake of the vote, with Theresa May and Andrea Leadsom battling to replace him as Conservative leader and PM.

In a message to supporters, anti-LGBT group Christian Concern rallied to their cause in the wake of the vote.

Andrea Williams of Christian Concern wrote: “Last year, on May 5 when David Cameron stood in front of 10 Downing Street having won an overall majority (albeit slim) for his government we felt peculiarly subdued at Christian Concern.

“As far as we could tell, he who had presided over the dismantling, in law, of Godā€™s first building block of society by introducing same-sex ā€˜marriageā€™, had ā€˜got away with itā€™ and suffered no consequences for such devastating action.

“The coalition government had been the last in a succession of administrations that had consistently departed from Godā€™s Truth in governing the nation ā€“ whether with regard to the protection of life, fairness to the poor, fairness in education, upholding marriage and family, or the privileging of Islam and other religions and philosophies over Christianity. But the people had not felt strongly enough to register protest.

“How swiftly things change.

“The vote for ‘Brexit’ on 23 June was a protest vote. Some parts ugly no doubt, many parts good… Brexit was a moment when, whatever you think of the outcome, the people said ā€˜we canā€™t go on like this.ā€™

“This was a vote for change. At best, the vote to leave was a vote to reassert our foundational principle of democratic accountability. ”

The message continued: “We, as believers, are called to hold the nation to account.

“To outline foundational Christian truths that protect the weak and the vulnerable, nurture righteous behaviour and encourage our freedom to worship the living God individually and together and to live and speak out our glorious faith in freedom.

“It is our job to seek to ensure the political earthquake fuels a much broader spiritual, political, social and cultural rethink in the country.

“Last month Gay Pride was celebrated in schools, even primary schools ā€“ our children wearing rainbow colours and donating to LGBTQI charities.

“A ā€˜normalityā€™ that paraded through the streets of London on Saturday where thousands marched for LGBTQI pride, iconising fetish behaviour ā€“ men dressed up as puppy dogs in leather – and the elites seemingly desperate to be seen alongside them.

“Politicians, the police, the military, media personalities, and even some parts of the ā€˜churchā€™.

“We, the Christian people of our nation, need lovingly to assert another truth.”

The group continued: “The church needs to call the nation to repentance – but first the church needs to repent.

“As a nation we have turned our back on Godā€™s laws, but we should not be surprised, given that we, Godā€™s people, have not spoken clearly of Jesus and His truth and lived in obedience to Him.

“In our nation, we have called good evil and evil good.

“The referendum has exposed a deeply divided nation with elements of racism, hatred and anger. God longs to bless our nation. But this will not happen without repentance. And true repentance requires action.

“We need boldness to proclaim the gospel. There are reports of increased openness to God on the streets of our cities where Christians are boldly taking to the streets and offering to pray for people. We long to see more of this.

“Only Christianity can provide a safe and secure moral foundation for our nation. It is Jesus who has the power to transform lives and change nations.

“Radical obedience to His commands will lead the nation forwards.”