Welsh gays to meet police about hate crime

Stonewall Cymru has joined forces with a local LGB group to fight homophobic hate crime in Merthyr Tydfil.
Working with the South East Wales Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Forum, Stonewall will facilitate a series of meetings between local lesbian, gay and bisexual people and South Wales Police Hate Crime Officers to address issues of homophobic hate crime in the area.
Jenny Porter, Community Liaison Officer for Stonewall Cymru, said:
“This is a much needed project for Merthyr as lesbian, gay and bisexual people have reported feeling isolated and unsafe in this area.
“We have been given an unique opportunity to work at a grass-roots level with LGB people and Community Police Officers to develop effective avenues of communication and identify ways to make Merthyr a safer place for all communities.”
Merthyr Tydfil’s Communities First Equalities and Diversity programme are funding the three month project which will operate between February and the end of April.
It is hoped the project will help to establish a local LGB network in the Merthyr area.
Local lesbian, gay and bisexual people are invited to attend the first meeting on Wednesday 6th February from 6pm at the Merthyr Tydfil Voluntary Action Centre, 89-90 High Street.
Light refreshments will be served.
This will be followed by further events on 12 March and 2nd April, ending with a Speak-Easy event at the end of April.