United Nations urges Kytgyz Parliament to withdraw ‘gay propaganda’ law

A group of experts from the United Nations (UN) have urged the Kyrgyz Parliament to withdraw an anti-gay bill.
The bill is similar to one introduced in Russia law last year, banning the “promotion of non-traditional sexual relationships”.
The Kyrgyz bill outlaws the dissemination of information “aimed at forming positive attitudes toward non-traditional sexual relations.”
Persons found guilty under this law face up to one year imprisonment.
The office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has urged politicians in the country to “fight against all forms of violence and discrimination”, as opposed to “adopting legislation which de facto condemns lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities to silence.”
Today’s statement warned that “if passed, the law would run afoul of Kyrgyzstan’s human rights obligations and commitments.”
A first reading of the bill passed in October, and it faces two more votes before it will be signed into law by the president.
A similar law was introduced last year in Russia, and was quickly used to fine an LGBT film festival ‘Bok o Bok’. The festival won an appeal against the fines.