Jeremy Corbyn marks Pride in London: I’m proud that the UK stands up for equal rights

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn writes on the day of Pride in London to send his best wishes to all taking part.
I want to send my best wishes to all of those that are taking part in Pride in London this year. I’m sorry I am not able to join you, I have been to many Pride events over the years and it’s always a very enjoyable and inspiring day.
It’s fantastic that people from all over the UK take time to recognise and celebrate our LGBT+ community and the contribution it makes to our society. Its importance is evident every year when the capital city comes to a standstill to host the march.
Pride in London demonstrates how far we have come and the progression we have made in equal rights and celebrating each other’s differences.
I am so proud to lead a party that has never stopped fighting for equal rights. And even prouder to be a part of a country that speaks up against prejudice and has a desire to create a more fair and just society.
Yet despite progress on LGBT+ equality at home and the encouragement to hold events like this, in too many places it is still a crime to be LGBT+.
Events like this are our opportunity to take action against homophobia, hate crimes and discrimination.
I want the UK to be seen as a beacon of hope on LGBT+ equality, speaking out against injustice and prejudice at home and in other parts of the world.
I am proud to support this year’s #nofilter campaign to inspire more people to come out as who they truly are. No person in our society should have to live in fear or hide away,
I have always campaigned and will always campaign to ensure that every member of our society can proudly live life with #nofilter. Diversity is at the heart of this country and something that helps unite us and make us stronger.
I hope Pride in London 2016 is a major success and that it continues to be for many, many years to come.