Wonder Woman kicks ass and officiates gay weddings

Even Superman makes mistakes sometimes. Luckily Wonder Woman teaches him the truth – and she didn’t even need her lasso.
In an upcoming DC comic the Amazonian Princess, more commonly known as Wonder Woman, will be the first ever DC hero to officiate a same-sex wedding.
The wedding takes place in Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman, Chapter 48, an anthology series written and illustrated by Jason Badower.
When asked by Clark Kent, the alter-ego of Superman, if she was a “proponent of gay marriage”, Wonder Woman replies: “Clark, my country is all women. To us it’s not ‘gay’ marriage. It’s just marriage”.
The Australian artist has described Wonder Woman as “the most logical candidate in the DC universe,” in an interview with The Huffington Post.
He continued: “I saw this Wonder Woman story as an incredible opportunity to have one of the most recognizable, iconic characters in the world to be among the first to step forward and officially endorse this new law.”
“But I thought, let’s not just have Wonder Woman embrace this new law, let’s have her celebrate it.” he added.
In a different interview the artist and writer commented: “Wonder Woman is such a recognized icon; she’s like an international diplomat. When she says ’this is what I do and it’s no big deal to me’ she can pave the way to make [gay marriage] more normal for everybody.”
This isn’t the first time that DC have explored LGBT themes in their novels.
Recently a transgender character called Alyssia was introduced into Batgirl, Selina Kyle, the feisty feline anti-hero Cat Woman was revealed to be bisexual, and openly gay superhero Midnighter joined Grindr.
In the past, comments have been made about the prohibition of same-sex marriage in the Batwoman franchise as apparently “heroes shouldn’t have happy personal lives.”