Lesbian family FINALLY granted legal recognition after taking fight to Supreme Court

A Michigan couple have been finally allowed to adopt eachother’s children – after taking their battle all the way to the Supreme Court.
Detroit couple Jayne Rowse and April DeBoer have been fighting since 2012 for recognition for their family.
They were forced to go to court when they discovered the state prohibited them from adopting eachother’s children, as it banned same-sex marriage and adoption. The pair were concerned about their lack of legal rights as a family.
The case formed part of the Supreme Court battle earlier this year – which led the Court to bring equal marriage to all 50 states and upheld it as a constitutional right. DeBoer and Rowse were finally able to marry this summer.
This week, the pair – who had between them adopted four children between the ages of 3 and to 6 – were finally granted their step-parent adoptions today after a long legal battle. They also adopted their joint 18-month-old foster daughter, Kennedy.
Granting all the couple’s adoptions, Oakland County Circuit Judge Karen McDonald acknowledged: “What a long road!”
April DeBoer said: “Just a lot of joy. It’s finally over, and we’re finally a legal, protected family.
“We’ve made changes throughout the United States and we’re very proud of that, but I think our proudest moment is this one right here.
“We’re ready just to be a family and raise our kids.”