UK’s gayest city, Brighton, to teach primary school kids extra LGBT-inclusive sex education on top of compulsory curriculum

A young child in with rainbow wings with her mother during Brighton Pride Parade on Hove Lawns, Brighton, East Sussex, UK. (Julia Claxton / Barcroft Media via Getty)
Brighton and Hove, the gay capital of the UK, will encourage primary schools to teach LGBT-inclusive sex education above and beyond what will be required by the government from September 2020.
In September 2020, LGBT-inclusive relationships education will become mandatory in UK primary schools, and LGBT-inclusive relationships and sex education will become mandatory in UK secondary schools.
Every primary school child will learn about different types of families, including those with same-sex parents, while secondary school students will learn about sexual orientation and gender identity.
But in Brighton and Hove, primary schools will be encouraged to deliver “non-statutory sex education” on top of what will be required by the government.
Brighton officials will ask schools to go above and beyond on LGBT+ inclusion.
Members of the Children, Young People and Skills Committee will be asked to agree to a statement on personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) when they virtually meet on June 15.
The statement reads: “Our city is well-known for its free-thinking, open and inclusive nature.
“We promote acceptance and respect for difference. These things are at the heart of what we do.
“We would like to thank our schools for the work they do to plan and deliver personal, social, health and economic education.
“This curriculum area helps ensure that our children and young people have the knowledge and skills they need to lead safe, happy and healthy lives now and in the future… It enables them to understand and respect in age-appropriate ways the diversity of sexual orientations and gender identities in Brighton and Hove, and prepares them for life in the modern world.”
We will work towards preventing sexism, preventing homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying.
But, the statement adds: “Our hope is that Brighton and Hove’s primary schools will choose to deliver non-statutory sex education – as many have already been doing for some time – as this supports learning about puberty and helps them with the questions children ask.
“We will continue to support schools to listen to any concerns raised by their parent and carer communities about this part of the curriculum. We hope schools will be able to offer reassurance and agree shared values.
“Guidance for schools produced locally will continue to promote LGBT-inclusive approaches.”
The non-statutory elements encouraged by Brighton and Hove council will work towards “preventing sexism, preventing homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying, supporting wellbeing and ensuring all pupils and students are prepared for life and work in the modern world.”
The meeting is scheduled to be webcast on the council’s website.