Twitter’s most powerful LGBT people

10: Karl Lagerfeld. 621,250 followers.
Mr Chanel, who calls himself a ‘terrible underachiever’, tweets rarely and never interacts with fans. When he does post, expect enigmatic fashion pronouncements such as: “Luxury is the income tax of vanity.” His most open tweet to date has been: “Believe it or not, I love rap.”
9. Derren Brown. 777,853 followers.
If you’re fascinated by the weird and wonderful, Derren’s your man. The illusionist, who lists his location as “your tiny head’, tweets about strange scientific discoveries and spooky situations.
8. Chris Colfer. 816,546 followers.
Glee favourite Chris tends to tweet about his daily activities and what he finds funny. Clearly bouncing with enthusiasm for his soaring career, the star’s page is a mass of exclamation marks.
7. Alan Carr. 1,064,477 followers.
Carr stays true to his funnyman reputation with plenty of jokes, as well as promoting his show and raving about his favourite music. He’s also happy to do happy birthday shout-outs to fans.
6. Anderson Cooper. 1,388,832 followers.
Follow this silver fox if you’re into politics. Cooper, a CNN anchor, keeps you up to date with the political situation in America and chats with fans about the latest news. Cooper is widely reported to be gay, although he has never defined his sexuality in public.
5. Neil Patrick Harris. 1,621,094 followers.
The American actor often posts about his boyfriend and baby twins, as well as telling fans about his recent trips to gigs and the theatre. For an April Fool’s joke, he pulled a Stephen Fry, telling followers he couldn’t cope with all the “rudeness”. (Photo: Kristin Dos Santos)
4. Lindsay Lohan. 2,168,168 followers.
LiLo’s another one who’s happy to chat to her friends and fans on Twitter and updates frequently about her activities in New York. The bisexual actress, who’s been in the news for all the wrong reasons recently, uses a picture from the ‘NOH8’ campaign on her profile.
3. Stephen Fry. 2,810,610 followers.
The author, famed for his wit and wisdom, usually updates at least a dozen times a day. This is one celeb who’s really taken to Twitter and loves responding to fans. Just don’t call him ‘boring’, as one fan recently discovered.
2. Ellen DeGeneres. 7,025,135 followers.
Ellen’s page is a lot of fun. The star likes to post plenty of links about her recent guests and amusing pictures she found or took herself. The lesbian icon also promotes her favourite bands.
1. Lady Gaga. 11,580,502 followers.
With more than 11 million followers, gay rights campaigner Gaga is the queen of Twitter. In fact, she gained 20,000 followers in the few hours between this article’s submission and publication. The star, who likes to regale her ‘little monsters’ with snippets about her upcoming gigs and personal life, has also used her Twitter account to call for gay marriage and the end of the military gay ban.