US Radio Host: ‘LGBT inclusivity in schools to blame for falling grade averages’

The host of a US radio program has blamed LGBT inclusive education programs in the US public education system on a decline in grade averages.
Sandy Rios of the American Family Association read out listener responses to an interview she conducted last week with Brian Camenker, the founder of MassResistance, who claimed that a recent study on anti-LGBT bullying in schools was “propaganda” and went on to doubt the existence of gay and trans students.
She commended one email from a listener called Margaret, who she said wrote that the “basic skills” of reading and writing were being “pushed aside in favor of teaching moral choices and left-wing agenda. It is no wonder American students have fallen so far behind other nations.”
Ms Rios went on to say that the listener said that the schools “rob the innocence of children through forced instruction of alternate lifestyles,” and went on to say: “When two percent of America’s population seeks to dictate to the rest of us how our children should be educated, we have truly sunk into a pit of moral decay,” reports Right Wing Watch.
She continued: “It’s sad; it’s just amazing how they are throwing—whether they are teaching radical environmentalism or homosexuality. Can you imagine that they are teaching this instead of math and science? And they are. And Margaret’s right, that’s the reason our test scores are so shockingly low compared with the world.
“The radicals of the ’60s, the college radicals of the ’60s, they were rebelling in the streets against everything, really. Some of them were ‘make love not war’ marijuana drones but some were really smart radicals. Because they did not win the battle in the ’60s they focused their sights on education.
“Look at Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, that is what they all did, they went into education and they populate our universities, they saturate them and they train teachers. Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground is one of the leading educators in the country, he’s a terrorist, it’s just amazing that he writes books and people read them, and that’s how the educators have become radicalised.”
She concluded by claiming that the National Education Association “radically promotes” homosexuality.
“The National Education Association was led by a gay man for over twenty years who was not out until he stepped down and they started promoting, radically promoting, homosexuality. This started a long, long time ago, they started with a film called ‘It’s Elementary,’ I remember when that came out; it was a total propaganda piece for homosexuality. Gradually the National Education Association made this one of their largest concerns, was promoting homosexuality in every discipline in public schools, so that’s how it started.”
Earlier in February Ms Rios, on the announcement that the Boy Scouts of America would delay its vote on gay members, suggested that gay men would only want to be Scout Leaders in order to “be around boys”, and suggested a link between paedophilia and homosexuality, saying “gay men love youth”.