Church of Scotland faces staffing crisis as ministers quit over gay clergy

The Church of Scotland has lost a further two ministers in an ongoing row over gay clergy.
Rev David Macleod from Lochcarron and Rev Roddy MacRae from Glenelg and Kintail have both announced their resignations.
It means the Church of Scotland now only has one full-time minister in the western Highlands.
The Scotsman reports both men have applied to join the Free Church of Scotland.
Rev Macleod said: “Over the past few years I have found myself to be theologically less and less aligned with the Church of Scotland.
“I find myself now to have more in common with other denominations. The decision to demit has not been a decision I have rushed or taken lightly.
“I say this with a heavy heart and with much grief but I do not believe that I can continue in the context in which I find myself.”
A Free Church of Scotland spokesman said: “Although we are saddened by the present circumstances in the Church of Scotland, we are happy to provide a home to those who wish to leave.
“We hope that any newcomers to the Free Church will find their new surroundings refreshing and trust they will share our dynamic, vibrant and contemporary mission.
“Over the last five years we have seen a rise in the number of people attending our services, with a particular growth in the number of under 30s. Who says Scotland isn’t interested in Biblical Christianity?”
This led Rev Dominic Smart, of Gilcomston South Church on Aberdeen’s Union Street, to leave the Church of Scotland saying God “would not be happy” with gay ministers.