Football Fan Arrested for Anti-Gay Abuse

A British football fan was arrested over the weekend for harassing players and shouting homophobic chants during a game between Hull City and Brighton.
The unnamed man was arrested for screaming at the Brighton team during the game last weekend, according to Police said they arrested just one man for the incident, though onlookers said others were participating.
Brighton’s football team is regularly taunted with homophobic name calling, largely, authorities said, because of the city’s well known reputation as the United Kingdom’s unofficial gay capital.
Fans and players are often subjected to abuse when visiting other grounds.
According to press reports, Hull City fans taunted the London team Queen’s Park Rangers last week about last month’s bomb attacks in the capital.
The Football Association is currently working on stamping out homophobia in football, targeting chants and anti-gay attitudes at stands across the country in the same way it tackled racism in the 1980s.
It has also launched a range of initiatives, including the production of plays looking at the issue of homophobia and working closely with gay teams, including Stonewall FC.
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