London: Gay sauna denies hosting ‘bareback’ sex parties

The owner of a gay sauna in north London has denied claims that his business was prepared to host a “Bareback Party” and “Raw Heat Pig Party”.
Licencing officers, along with police officers, recently raided the premises and conducted a search, following complaints the sauna was hosting sex parties – a move which would be in breach of council rules.
Officers found porn, a laptop and widescreen TV, a swing attached by harness to the ceiling and cage with a dog bowl in the corner.
Chris Horwood, of Paradise Spa, Islington, London, told a member of the public posted details of the party on a bareback forum, and believes the claims could have been made in order to undermine his business.
He insisted that his business promotes responsible sexual behaviour, with free condoms made available to all customers, and that what happens in the individual sauna cabins is out of direct control.
Mr Horwood said: “Considering Islington’s diverse community, that they have the highest population of gay and lesbian people of all other London boroughs, why they don’t embrace this type of business like the other London boroughs do, I really don’t know.
“It has been one of the worst issues I’ve had to deal with and has just been hostility from day one.”
“Islington Council’s belief is that we are breaking standard condition 15 of our special treatment license by allowing ‘indecent and disorderly acts on the premises’ we believe that following the sexual offences act of 2003 there is no breech of our license. And that consensual sex between two or more gay men is no longer considered indecent.
“Paradise spa is fully prepared to test this in the courts.
“It should be noted that all London boroughs have there own standard conditions, however standard condition 15 is essentially the same across greater London.”
“All London saunas require a special treatment license to offer a sauna, steam room and jacuzzi, however other boroughs interpret the conditions differently.”
Mr Horwood had been applying for a Special Treatments Licence to provide sauna and steam room facilities after his previous one expired.
The licensing committee granted the 12-month licence despite objections from council officer Katie Tomashevski.
His lawyer, Chris Spence, suggested the council was being hypocritical – because gay people were using council-run swimming pools and fitness centres for sexual encounters.
He added the online parties advertised had not been promoted by Mr Horwood and that the harness and cage, which have since been removed, were merely to create an “atmosphere of masculinity”.