UK: Bisexual man to be deported to Jamaica

A bisexual man looks set to be deported to Jamaica tomorrow after his legal review was rejected by a court in Leeds today.
Pat McCusker, who is supporting 33 year-old Orashia Edwards case, said: “I believe that he is at significant risk of homophobic persecution should he be deported to Jamaica.”
Edwards left Jamaica 14 years ago to move to Antigua where he felt attitudes to bisexuality were less severe, according to a No Borders Leeds spokesperson.
He got into an abusive relationship with a woman in Antigua and was blackmailed over his sexuality and so sought asylum in the UK where his mother and grandmother live.
He has since had a daughter in Leeds who is one year old.
Leeds No Borders, who are campaigning for Orashia to stay, said today that they would not stop fighting and that they would be applying to the European Court of Human Rights shortly.
Edwards is scheduled to be deported on tomorrow’s British Airways 11.55am flight from London Gatwick to Kingston, Jamaica.
Mr Edwards was first due to be deported in January, but his flight was cancelled after protests.
The claims have always been denied by the Home Office.
Violent homophobia and transphobia remains a key problem in Jamaican society.
Over 900 people have signed a petition in support of Edwards staying.