Ex-Tory politician claims gay people are incapable of being faithful or raising kids

Former Conservative politician Sidney Cordle has claimed that gay couples shouldn’t be allowed to get married because they are incapable of being faithful.
Mr Cordle awarded an MBE in 1989 for political service, after serving as a Tory councillor on Sheffield City Council.
He later left the Conservatives and is now leader of the Christian Peoples Alliance, replacing ‘gay cure’ supporter Alan Craig.
The former councillor was invited on BBC Three Counties Radio this morning, after calls for reforms on same-sex marriage within the Church of England. The Bishop of Grantham became the first Church of England bishop to come out as gay earlier this week.
Mr Cordle claimed: “The Bible is absolutely clear… St Paul is very clear that homosexuals will not enter the kingdom of heaven, and homosexuality comes from a failure to acknowledge God as the creator of man and woman.
“99.3 percent of clergy in the Church of England are not in same-sex relationships.”
He insisted: “Marriage is meant to be between a man and a woman and a lifelong faithful commitment. In church you say ‘I will be faithful unto you until death us do part’.
“The reason for that is it produces a secure environment in which children can come into the world with their natural parents.
“Research has shown overwhelmingly children benefit if they are brought up by their natural parents, and homosexuals cannot bring children into the world. The need for homosexuals to be faithful to each other is simply non-existent.
“Research has shown homosexuals are not faithful to each other. I’ve seen research that has shown that of homosexuals who have been in relationships for 20 years or more, only three percent are faithful. We’re talking about sixty percent [for straight people] versus three percent.
“Homosexuals as a group are not living in faithful relationships.”
Speaking on the show directly after Mr Cordle, PinkNews chief executive Benjamin Cohen said: “It sounds like I’ve gone into a time warp into the 1950s judging by your last speaker.
“I thought this was a debate about same-sex marriage in the Church of England, not about whether gay people can be faithful.
“I’ve never heard such absolute drivel in my life!”