UKIP pledges to make ‘political correctness’ in schools illegal

The UK Independence Party has pledged to pass a law putting an end to inclusive education in schools – promising to ban “political correctness” in education.
The party made the pledge in its Scottish manifesto, which UKIP leader Nigel Farage and Scottish MEP David Coburn launched today at an event in Scotland, ahead of May’s Holyrood elections.
It states: “We would end political correctness in schools and introduce a specific Act aimed at banning damaging political propaganda being passed off as fact.
“Indoctrination of young minds is wrong. What we must give them is the desire and capacity to think freely for themselves.”
Though the pledge does not specifically mention LGBT rights, the pledge is thought to reference teaching about diversity and tolerance – and comes just days after First Minister Nicola Sturgeon backed inclusive sex and relationship education.
Mr Coburn is himself gay – but has previously lashed out at “equality Nazis” on LGBT rights.
Scottish National Party leader Nicola Sturgeon last week pledged to introduce specific teacher training on LGBT issues.
In a five-point plan on LGBT rights, the First Minister said she would: “Expect all new, guidance and promoted teachers to undertake training on equality so they are confident in tackling prejudice-based bullying.
“Promote children’s health and well-being right throughout early years, primary and secondary education, so that all children and young people learn tolerance, respect, human rights, equality, good citizenship, to address and prevent prejudice and about healthy relationships through refreshed, age-appropriate strategies and resources.
“Work towards every professional working with children being trained on equality, addressing prejudice-based bullying, attachment, child development and child protection.”