Dan Savage: ‘Trump is an enemy, not an ally’

Dan Savage of the Savage Lovecast has called Donald Trump the enemy of the LGBT community.
Following Trump’s divisive response to Orlando attack Savage criticised his attempt to create a split between the LGBT and Muslim community.
Savage said on MSNBC: “There is not a clear line. There are LGBT Muslims in the US and all over the world. They are a part of the community not distinct from it.”
Reacting to the Orlando shootings Savage described the attack as harrowing and upsetting. Like many others, Savage looked to the rallies and vigils across the world for strength.
In his recent rally Trump promised to be the strongest possible ally to LGBT community and criticised Hillary Clinton – saying “she’s no friend of women and she’s no friend of LGBT americans no friend believe me.”
Savage criticised Trump for importing right wing european politics – being an ally because you are the most anti muslim candidate, doesn’t make you an ally he said.
The columnist bashed him for pitting two constituencies against each other, but ensured neither communities would fall for it.
“He is the enemy of the LGBT community just as he is against the Muslim community.” Savage said.
The podcast host celebrated the reaction of American’s, and compared it to the AIDS and HIV epidemic of the 80’s.
He said: “The country turned its back on us when HIV/AIDS slammed into the community. To see the whole society push back and to come to the aid of the queer community and compare that to the action tells you everything you need to know about the progress we’ve made about humanising the queer culture.”