SNL: Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump makes Mike Pence flee gay wedding

Saturday Night Live (SNL) is back to its brilliant habit of mocking President Trump.
Alec Baldwin donned Trump’s comb over wig to poke fun at Vice President Mike Pence after he walked out of a football game last week.
The new skit sees Pence lambasted by his presidential boss for everything from attending an NFL game, to Starbucks Christmas wishes and the shock at accidentally attending a gay wedding.
Speaking at a rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania – which he pronounced “Harass-burg” – Trump pledged to abolish everything the Obamas had put in place.
That went right down to Michelle Obama’s vegetable patch – which he vowed to replace with McNugetts because he “loves America”.
He then turned his attention to VP Pence.
Taking to the phone, he spoke to Pence, played by Beck Bennett, who was shown attending an Indianapolis Colts NFL game.
When Pence stands for the national anthem, Trump demands to know what is going on on the pitch.
Learning that a player is kneeling for the national anthem, Trump angrily demands Pence leave the game.
The skit was mocking the men after Pence walked out of an NFL game – thought to have cost taxpayers $250,000.
“I left today’s Colts game because @POTUS and I will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our Flag, or our National Anthem,” the real Pence tweeted.
But it’s when SNL’s Pence inadvertently attends a same-sex wedding that the real panic sets in for the men.
Pence, who has advocated ‘gay cure’ therapy in the past, looks horrified to discover there is a second groom in the ceremony.
“Everything looks very respectful,” Bennett’s version of Pence assures.
But Baldwin’s Trump insists that he describe what he sees in detail.
“Ok, I see the groom. He’s waiting patiently at the altar. And then I see… uh-oh,” he says down the phone.
“There’s another groom!” Pence says, as Trump yells at him to flee the scene.
“I know you hate this word ‘abort’ but abort Mike, abort, vamanos!” Trump yells, before hanging up and offering his thoughts on the sanctity of marriage(s) to viewers.
“Outrageous,” Trump continues. “No one should disrespect the sanctity of marriage like that.
“As in says in my favorite verse in the Bible, Double Corinthians, marriage is between a man and a woman. Then another woman, then another woman, and maybe one more if you’ve got it in you.”
The SNL sketch aired just one day after President Trump attended the summit of a notorious anti-LGBT hate group – where he told crowds their homophobic views will “no longer be silenced”.
At the same rally, on 13 October, he told conservatives that nobody says ‘Merry Christmas’ anymore.
SNL was kick to poke fun at the absurd comment, with Trump also demanding to know if Pence’s Starbucks cup said ‘Happy Holidays’ or ‘Happy Christmas’.
Watch the clip in full here:
Trump also warns Eminem that he plans to respond to the rapper’s recent freestyle rap performance on the Black Entertainment Television (BET) network.
“Very soon, I’m going to release a response rap on the white entertainment network, HGTV,” he says, referring to the home improvement and gardening channel.
Both Trump and former presidential rival Hillary Clinton, who won three million more votes than Trump, have been keen viewers of SNL.
Clinton admitted to being brought to tears by the show’s sketch after she lost the electoral college.
The former First Lady revealed in her memoir What Happened that she “fought back tears” watching Kate McKinnon on Saturday Night Live after her election loss.
Recounting the landmark cold open following the election of Trump, Clinton wrote: “She sat at a grand piano and played ‘Hallelujah,’ the hauntingly beautiful song by Leonard Cohen, who had died a few days before.
“As she sang, it seemed like she was fighting back tears,” Clinton added. “Listening, so was I.”