Ask the Lawyer: How will transitioning affect when I can draw my pensions?

PinkNews brings you the latest in a series of features which sees your real questions answered by leading lawyers at Simpson Millar.

The question comes from a trans woman who is currently transitioning and wants to know when she will be able to take her pension.

Ask the Lawyer: How will transitioning affect when I can draw my pensions?

She asks: ā€œIā€™m currently transitioning to become a woman. Iā€™m in my early 50s, and am wondering how my transition would affect the age I can draw my pensions ā€“ both private and public.ā€

A Simpson Millar lawyer answers, saying: ā€œIn relation to your personal pension provisions, the age at which you can receive your pension benefits will not change as this is determined by a minimum age requirement that is the same for both men and women (itā€™s currently 55 but increasing to 57 from 2020 and then set to remain 20 years below the state pension age).

ā€œTherefore, you can take benefits from your personal provisions when you wish to do so. If you are a member (active or deferred) of a final salary or defined benefit occupation scheme I would recommend that you liaise with the pension trustees regarding this matter to clarify whether this would affect your normal scheme retirement age.ā€

This guide has some useful information on state pensions, but if youā€™d like personalised advice or you need some help planning for your retirement, speak to one of Simpson Millarā€™s Financial Advisors onon 0800 260 5005 or click here to request a call-back.

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