Homophobic attacker may be evicted

A youth who took part in a vicious assault on two lesbian friends of popstar Ana Matronic may be evicted from her home.
Three young people, aged between 18 and 20, were found guilty of attacking Nina Meffen, 36 and Carol Cashmore, 42, in their driveway on the evening of 31st July last year.
Hyde Housing Association, which owns Emer Close, the location of the attack and home to both the victims and the ringleader of the group, says it will be “pursuing further action against those Hyde residents found guilty of the crime and ultimately this could lead to eviction.”
The brutal assualt, which left Ms Meffen with bruising and a broken nose and Ms Cashmore with concussion, took place on the couple’s driveway and was witnessed by Miss Meffen’s 10-year old daughter.
Both victims have been taking anti-depressants since the incident.
According to the Southern Daily Echo, the attack followed a series of incidents of harassment, which had led to the couple installing the CCTV at outside their home that captured the attack.
Scissor Sister Ana Matronic, who has been a friend of Miss Cashmore’s since they met at Glastonbury Festival in 2004, spoke out against the attack and light sentencing.
Two 18-year old girls pleaded guilty to affray.
One received 250 hours of community service, a three month curfew and a fine of £100, the other was given 150 hours.
Thomas Young, 20, of Hammonds Lane, Southampton received 12 months community service, a three month curfew and a £100 fine after pleading guilty to a public order offence, reported Metro newspaper.