This Twitter account of a Hillary Clinton Presidency is incredible

Are you one of the thousands of people that wonder what would have happened if Hillary won the election?
Well, look no further!
Since Trump took over the Presidency in January, @ifHillaryHad has been tweeting what would have happened if the 45th President was, in fact, the nation’s first female commander-in-chief.
And we have to say, it’s giving us life.
First, there was the one about the #Women’sMarch

It also picked up on the fact Sean Spicer seemed to send out his password to, well, everyone

Then there was what Hillary would have done in regards to the Mexican Wall

There was this dig at Trump’s Security Council appointment picks

This meme of House Speaker, Paul Ryan, made us laugh

It also picks on the fact that Hillary would probably get to speak to the UK Parliament

And this great one about getting rid of Sessions

And if there is nothing else…there is this
TFW you hit 25K! ??
— Alt-POTUS 45 (@IfHillaryHad) February 8, 2017
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