Taiwan: Gay activists plan ‘wedding banquet’ for same-sex unions

Over 800 activists have pledged to support the “Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights” campaign this September, in a bid to press for the legalisation of same-sex unions.
Following the recently upheld same-sex marriage of a transgender couple earlier this month, gay activists in Taiwan have announced a ‘wedding banquet’ campaign to push for an amendment to the country’s Civil Code.
The alliance said it would host a rally in front of the presidential office in Taipei on 7 September.
The rally would take the form of a “bando”, which is a traditional banquet where guests sit in a cluster of round tables, and celebrate with music and cheering.
Bandos are held to celebrate events like weddings, religious festivals, and elections.
Chien Chih-chieh, secretary-general of the alliance, said the wedding banquet stood for activists’ hopes that the government would eventually legalise same-sex marriages.
The campaign will be inaugurated by pop star Sandee Chan, and is said to focus on the gay rights movement in Taiwan and worldwide.
Activists have been collecting signatures since last year to show public support for the proposed amendment.
So far, over 100,000 people have signed the petition, including another pop star, Chang Hui-mei.
The alliance said over 800 people have booked tables at the bando while other pop and film stars have pledged to help with the fund-raising.
LGBT activist groups called the move a “benchmark” ruling for more diverse forms of marriage going forward.