LGBT website defends questioning Tom Hardy’s sexuality

Daily Xtra has defended questioning the actor over the weekend – saying they have a responsibility to do so as an LGBT publication.
During a press conference for his new film Legend – in which he plays openly bisexual Ronnie Kray – a journalist from the website asked Hardy about playing an “open” character, given comments he previously made about his own sexuality.
In 2008, the Dark Knight Rises star revealed he had enjoyed sexual relationships with other men in his youth.
When asked about these widely reported comments, however, Hardy responded angrily, barking “What on earth are you on about?”
Daily Xtra’s Graeme Coleman tried to clarify his point, before Hardy demanded: “But what is your question?”
The reporter asked: “In the film, your character Ronnie is very open about his sexuality… but given interviews you’ve done in the past, your own sexuality seems a bit more ambiguous.
“Do you find it hard for celebrities to talk to media about their sexuality?”
Hardy replied, “I don’t find it difficult for celebrities to talk about their sexuality. Are you asking about my sexuality?”
The journalist said, “Hmm… sure”, to which Hardy fired back, “Why?” – before giving a firm and final “thank you” to the reporter.
The publication has since received criticism from some fellow LGBT news sources, with Hardy receiving praise for responding so strongly to such a “rude” question.
However, as an editorial posted on Daily Xtra’s site yesterday – titled ‘Why Daily Xtra asked Tom Hardy about his sexuality at TIFF’ – argues, it is their “responsibility” to ask such questions.
“As Canada’s gay and lesbian news source, it’s our responsibility to examine sexuality and the ways in which it’s portrayed on screen,” they wrote.
To highlight their point, the site then shared a series of other interviews they conducted over the weekend.
LGBT actors such as Ellen Page and Evan Rachel Wood happily chat about the subject of sexuality.
It also features a chat with Susan Sarandon, who told Daily Xtra her son “colours outside the lines in terms of gender roles.”
“Though actor Tom Hardy bristled at Daily Xtra’s questions about sexuality,” managing editor of Xtra Robin Perelle writes, “other actors have embraced our questions at TIFF, and even welcomed the opportunity to shine a spotlight on sexuality and gender identity.”
Watch Hardy’s harsh reaction below.