Elizabeth Warren wants you to dump your boyfriend, get a dog, and vote to tax the wealthy

Elizabeth Warren answers readers questions in an interview with Elle Magazine. (YouTube/ElleMagazine)
US presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren has a plan for that guy who’s been ghosting you.
“Give him up! You’re too good for him,” was the emphatic response Warren gave to an Elle Magazine reader.
“If he wants to go silent, let him go. He is not the one for you. Guys who do that… nuh-uh, you’re better than that,” the 70-year-old former Harvard law professor said.
Her answer came in response to the first question sent in by an Elle reader, who asked: “I’ve been casually dating a guy for the past three months, but now he’s ghosting me. He won’t return my texts but he still looks at all my Instagram Stories. What do I do?”
Elizabeth Warren made it clear that she has “a plan for that”, as well as for a reader whose roommate didn’t want to get a puppy (“Be specific! Go to a shelter together!”) and another who was struggling with student loan and credit card debt.
“I’m a few years out of college and I have a ton of student loans, but between moving and my entry level salary, I’ve racked up a lot of credit card debt. Which should I try and pay off first?” Warren was asked.
“I have a plan for that,” she replied. “And that is: We need to cancel student loan debt. This makes no sense at all. We’re crushing an entire generation with student loan debt.”
“So the first thing is come help me do this. I have a two-cent wealth tax on the great fortunes in this country, and we can use that money for a whole lot of stuff but part of it is to cancel student loan debt for 43 million Americans. So there’s the big answer.
“In the meantime, make sure you’re making at least your minimum payments on both – your student loans and your credit card, because otherwise you get caught in penalties and penalty rates of interest.”
Warren is currently polling fourth in the race for the Democratic nomination, having led the field towards the end of last year.