‘Man-hating, demonic rage machine’ chihuahua finally finds his forever home with big-hearted lesbian

Prancer, a chihuahua described as a “haunted Victorian child in the body of a small dog”, has been adopted by Ariel Davis, who said he reminded her of her old dog. (Instagram/@prancerthechihuahua)
Prancer, the “demonic” chihuahua who went viral after his foster carer revealed his “man-hating, child-hating” nature, has found his forever home with a nice, single lesbian.
Animal foster carer Tyfanee Fortuna from New Jersey posted a brutally honest but hilarious adoption ad for the two-year-old chihuahua, who she described as a “13 pound rage machine”. She said Prancer would suit a home that was free of men and children and other animals – so ideally with just women or a “lesbian couple”.
The post and Prancer went viral after multiple media sources picked up the story of the “haunted Victorian child in the body of a small dog” who wanted a new home. After all the attention heaped on the “gremlin” chihuahua, Prancer has finally been adopted by a single, lesbian named Ariel Davis.
Davis, 36, from New Haven, Connecticut, told TODAY that she was browsing Facebook when she came across Fortuna’s adoption ad for Prancer. She said she fell in love with Prancer because he had a “lot of the same qualities” as another dog she had adopted about seven years ago.
Davis said her other dog was “a little neurotic”, “barked a lot” and “didn’t work well with other people and other animals”. Sadly, she had to surrender her dog when she went to rehab for her marijuana addiction a few years ago. But now, she said she was at the point in her life where she is “stable enough to now have dogs again”.
Davis emailed the Second Chance Pet Adoption League to find out if Prancer had been adopted yet. She wrote that Prancer “brought back intense memories of the dog” she still loved.
Davis wrote in the email to the adoption centre: “They were very similar in demeanour and looking into Prancer’s eyes in those pictures I saw the little s**t Doodle I love so much (I say this lovingly!)… I am not looking to replace Doodle, but I am looking for a companion that I can take proper care of and give a loving home.”
She also explained that she checked off all the boxes for Prancer’s unique needs. David explained: “I’m a single woman, I’m a single lesbian, I live with another woman, I don’t have any men in my life, I work in a women’s rehab, I don’t have any other animals.”
Shortly after, Davis travelled to New Jersey to meet Prancer and she said they “just connected”, adding the dog “took pretty well to me”. She even got to take Prancer home just a few hours after their first meeting.
“With my story and the fact that I didn’t come off as incredibly crazy just kind of meshed and everything seemed to go well,” Davis said. “He went home with me that day. He was a perfect little gentleman in the car.”
She’s now had Prancer for a week, and he has been “neurotic” but adjusting well. Davis said she’s been looking forward to “having a companion” in Prancer. She explained that Prancer has helped her “get out of the house” and “get out of my shell”.
Davis even started an Instagram account for her “demonic” chihuahua, which has garnered more than 32,000 followers already.
Fortuna, who originally fostered Prancer, wrote in a Facebook post on Monday (26 April) that time has flown by “when the Chihuahua who held your family hostage for six months finally gets adopted”. She added: “Prancer is almost a distant nightmare to me now, even though he was adopted just over a week ago.”
“His adoption day was one of the best days of my life,” Fortuna wrote. “On the flip side, I couldn’t help but feel a bit wrong… it was like expelling myself of a demon and passing it on to someone else.”
She also described Davis as Prancer’s “new victim” who is “madly in love with him (or she has Stockholm syndrome already)”.