Swedish lesbians have a legal right to puppies

An unusual case of discrimination in Sweden has led to a court ruling in favour of a women turned away from buying a puppy because she is a lesbian.
The Local reports that the court of appeal in Stockholm confirmed that a kennel owner must pay 20,000 kronor (£1,580) for discrimination and harassment on the grounds of sexual orientation.
During a phone call to the kennel owner enquiring about a puppy advertised for sale, the lesbian woman mentioned her partner.
The owner then refused to sell the puppy to her.
“In her explanation for denying the woman her puppy,” The Local reports , “the kennel owner made reference to earlier contacts she’d had with transvestite couples, saying she’d read that transvestites are connected to animal pornography.”
Sweden’s Ombudsman Against Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation (HomO) took the case to court.
HomO is tasked with counteracting homophobia and addressing discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation in Swedish society.
The kennel owner must also pay HomO’s 45,000 kronor legal fees.
The Swedish Constitution bans discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation.
It has a reputation as a tolerant nation, 71% of Swedes oppose same-sex marriage, according to according a December 2006 Eurobarometer poll.