Join Coronation St star on walk against homophobia
Actor and TV presenter Antony Cotton has confirmed he will be taking part in the Lesbian and Gay Foundation’s sponsored Walk against Homophobia this weekend.
It is the first time the event has been staged.
It will raise money for the LGF and will start on Saturday at 1pm at All Saints Park, Oxford Road Manchester and travel through Manchester City Centre, ending in Sackville Park.
The LGF said in a statement that the walk will bring people together with friends and family to ensure that their voices are heard and to help “End Homophobia and Empower People.”
Emma Peate, Fundraising Manager at the LGF, told
“The aims of the event are to raise awareness about homophobia among the general public, media and policy and decision makers, have an enjoyable event that helps bring community members together and of course raise money for LGF’s much needed services in the process.
“We have had a great response and hope for a really big turn out to have maximum effect, and create a real buzz in Manchester on the day!”
Messages of support have been received from Sir Ian McKellen, Melvyn Bragg and Sandi Toksvig, who are all patrons of LGF.
To register for the event and to get a sponsorship pack, please contact Emma Peate via email on [email protected] or alternatively telephone 0161 235 8012 during office hours.
For more information click here.