Education minister reveals new guidance for schools on gender identity

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Department for Children, Young People and Families has said that new guidance is being developed for schools on gender and gender identity.
Baroness Morgan was speaking at the pre-launch event for LGBT History Month last night.
It was the first time that a schools minister had attended the event, and the first time it was held in a school.
She later told that plans for the guidance are well-advanced.
Earlier this year the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families, Ed Balls, launched the first ever national guidance from the government to help schools tackle homophobic bullying.
The theme of next February’s History Month will be Education and Young People, and organisers Schools Out hope the pre-launch will encourage schools, colleges and youth clubs to put on local events throughout the month.
There were performances from young people and speeches from religious and community leaders, teachers and LGBT activists at last night’s event at Hackney Free and Parochial School.
Sue Sanders, co-founder of Schools Out, told that she was thrilled that in its fifth year LGBT History Month was finally pre-launching at a school.
She paid tribute to her Schools Out colleague Paul Partick, who died in in May aged 58.
“I think it is so sad that he is not here to see this,” she said.
More than 300 people attended last night’s event.
Click here for more information on LGBT History Month.