Trans toilets introduced at student union nightclub

A British university has introduced toilets for transgender people at their student union nightclub.
Staffordshire University introduced the toilets at the nightclub on the Leek Road campus of the university on 7th January.
The decision to trial the gender-neutral toilets was made in December, and they are the first of their kind in Stoke-on-Trent.
Fee Wood, President of the Student Union, told the Stoke Sentinel:
“We are trying to make things as easy as possible for all our students.
“We do have transgender students here, but the new facilities are not just for them – they are for the androgynous students as well.”
A decision will be made in March as to whether to expand the toilets to other parts of the University.
Last year Manchester University hit the headlines after the renaming of its male and female toilets as an effort to avoid offending their transgender students. The men’s toilets were re-named; “toilets with urinals” while the female toilets were simply, “toilets.”