Asian gay conference cancelled by police

A gay and lesbian conference in Indonesia has been cancelled by police after Muslims protested.
The event, held by the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA), was due to take place from today until Monday in Surabaya, East Java’s capital.
But police cancelled the event after a group of around 60 Muslims entered the hotel where the conference was to be held to complain.
A statement from ILGA said: “Negotiation has been going on between the police, the hotel representatives and the organising committee of the conference. It was eventually decided to cancel the event.
“More information on the next steps to be taken will be given in the next days.”
Associated Press reports that the conference was cancelled because police feared it could lead to violent protests.
Poedjiati Tan, head of the conference’s organising committee, said: “We want to convince Indonesian authorities and religious leaders that we only want to talk about social problems related to this minority group.
“We are seeking direction and a way out of our problems in health, education and issues of discrimination.”
Two hundred participants from 16 countries were to join the conference.