Slovakian opposition party proposes legislation for registered same-sex couples

The opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party of Slovakia have announced plans to submit a bill to next month’s parliamentary session that would partially make the registered partnerships of LGBT couples equal with those of married heterosexual couples.
As reported in the Slovak Spectator, MP Martin Poliačik of the party said: “This proposal addresses fundamental issues related to two people living together as partners.”
The bill also covers alimony issues. The proposal suggests that same-sex partners would officially be recognised as “relatives” which would bring bearing upon their inheritance rights and unrestrained access to each other’s medical history and documentation.
The party has previously taken up the proposal with MPs from the Ordinary People and Independent Personalities party.
However, an MP from that party, Erika Jurinová, has told SaS that it’s unlikey that they’ll receive any significant support from their party as there is no uniform opinion on the subject among its members.
Mr Poliačik said it was possible however, that Smer, the ruling party, may well come out in favour of the bill. SaS claim they are even prepared to make “reasonable concessions” if Smer votes for some changes introduced via the proposed legislation.
Liberals from the SaS party are preparing to present the proposal in depth next week.
The Slovakian LGBT community held the country’s first pride march in Bratislava in 2010, but the event was disrupted owing to hundreds of neo-Nazis lining the planned route.
However, the march was still hailed as a success by LGBT Slovaks, with one stating that “people in Bratislava did have the heart to go out and show who they are. In this sense I do think [the event] was a success.”
This year marked the third Bratislava Pride. The organisers said in a statement: “sexual orientation and gender identity are not reasons to separate, stigmatize, segregate and discriminate against people.
“We continue this work in 2012 – by organising a third year of Rainbow Pride and by offering legal, social or psychological services and cultural events thanks to Q-centrum, our community centre for LGBT people.”