Bishop of Shrewsbury Easter homily plans to attack same-sex marriage as detracting from value of human life

The Bishop of Shrewsbury will address a trinity of controversial topics in his Easter homily, with a report of his planned sermon revealing he plans to attack marriage equality, abortion, and euthanasia.
The Shropshire Star reports that the Right Reverend Mark Davies will give the homily to followers at Shrewsbury Cathedral tomorrow.
Bishop Davies will ask followers how human dignity and “the value of human life itself” will be affected by same-sex marriage, along with ethical issues such as abortion and euthanasia.
He will also suggest that the Church’s concern for charitable causes is comparable to the Church’s opposition to same-sex marriage, as they are both a matter of “what a human life is worth”.
He will say: “Commentators have been puzzled that the Church’s concern for the poorest is combined with an uncompromising defence of marriage as the union of man and woman; of the family as the vital unit of society; of the unborn routinely destroyed, frozen, manipulated for our purposes; and of the dignity of the aged threatened in many societies by a killing which calls itself ‘mercy’.
“It makes the question of what a human life is worth the most urgent question of our time.
“We can see this in the misuse of science or in legislators seeking to redefine the value of human life or to remake marriage.
“If the Christian roots of our society are finally severed what will be left to uphold human dignity, to protect human rights and the value of human life itself?
“Our country stands at the crossroads in deciding on what the future of our life and laws will be based.”