Stephen Fry tells Twitter followers ‘I’m now fine’ following suicide revelation

Stephen Fry has thanked people for their support, following his revelation that he had attempted suicide last year.
A BBC Two documentary showing the gay actor and presenter confronting homophobic activists will be screened later this year, after it was revealed he tried to kill himself while filming the programme.
The two-part show, which has a working title Stephen Fry – Out There, sees the star meet homophobic campaigners in the United States who support discredited gay conversion therapy, and he also travels to Russia and Uganda.
On Monday evening, Fry told an audience in central London that he had never spoken about the latest suicide incident, which happened during filming – details were only made public yesterday via a podcast.
“I am the victim of my own moods, more than most people are perhaps, in as much as I have a condition which requires me to take medication so that I don’t get either too hyper or too depressed to the point of suicide.”
He continued: “I would go as far as to tell you that I attempted it last year, so I’m not always happy — this is the first time I’ve said this in public, but I might as well. I’m president of [the mental health charity] Mind, and the whole point in my role, as I see it, is not to be shy and forthcoming about the morbidity and genuine nature of the likelihood of death amongst people certain mood disorders.”
Yesterday, Fry tweeted: “Thank you all for your concern. As Pres of @mindcharity I could only tell truth if asked directly. Now fine. On good meds. Love to you all x”