UKIP’s ‘gay marriage caused floods’ councillor wasn’t news when he was a Tory, says Farage

UKIP leader Nigel Farage has accused the media of unfairly highlighting the views of one of its councillors who claimed that allowing gay couples to marry would lead to flooding and that the Prime Minister ignored his warning.
He said David Cameron had acted “arrogantly against the Gospel”.
UKIP leader Nigel Farage said Mr Silvester was entitled to his “strong Baptist view of the world”, but had defied a request not to do further media interviews.
Speaking on Monday, Mr Farage said: “I think it is very interesting that, when Mr Silvester was saying these things in 2012 and 2013 as a Conservative town councillor in Henley, it was not a news story.
“But suddenly he switches to UKIP and continues the same thing and gets on the national news.
“The establishment, the status quo, the big businesses, the big Eurocrats and our three so-called main political parties are scared witless by what UKIP is doing because we are striking a chord not just for ordinary people but for many elements in the business community as well.
“They will try to do whatever they can to shoot us down.”
UKIP’s official position is that it supports same-sex civil partnerships but opposes same-sex marriages. The first same-sex marriages will be held in March of this year.
Weather-related parodies of Mr Silvester’s remarks are now doing the rounds on social media.