Scott Walker: Republicans aren’t fighting same-sex marriage

The Governor of Wisconsin is claiming Republicans don’t fight against same-sex marriage, while his own Attorney General fights against same-sex marriage.
Republican Scott Walker made the claim in an interview this week.
He told the AP: “I don’t think the Republican Party is fighting it. I’m not saying it’s not important, but Republicans haven’t been talking about this.
“We’ve been talking about economic and fiscal issues. It’s those on the left that are pushing it.”
His bizarre comments come despite the fact that his own attorney general, J B Van Hollen, has fought fiercely against same-sex marriage in the state, and only earlier this week appealed a same-sex marriage ruling to a Federal court.
The Republican Speaker of the US House of Representatives, John Boehner, recently announced recently he was suing President Barack Obama over abuse of executive orders, after Obama passed an executive order banning homophobia.
Last month, Republican Rick Perry compared homosexuality to alcoholism.