Anti-gay activist: Gays will next demand incest rights, because of Game of Thrones

An anti-gay activist has claimed that gays will next demand rights for incestuous couples, because incest is featured on Game of Thrones.
Michael Brown, who is head of the anti-gay Coalition of Conscience, made the clame in an article on WorldNetDaily.
He wrote: “Gay activists constantly tell us that there’s no such thing as a slippery moral slope and that the acceptance of homosexuality will not lead to the acceptance of other sexual practices, such as incest.
“The facts prove otherwise, and it is clear that we are rapidly sliding down the very slope whose existence they deny.
“With increasing frequency and openness, the media are now promoting and even celebrating incest.
“The popular HBO series Game of Thrones also features an adult, brother-sister sexual relationship. And there is no slippery slope!”
The popular fantasy series portrays incest as a way for royal houses such as the Targaryens to keep their bloodline pure, while twins Jaime and Cersei Lannister also have an incestuous relationship.
He continued: “As I continually chart our society’s moral free fall, the term that best describes our current condition is sexual anarchy, where men can have sex with men just as well with women, where sex outside of wedlock is just as acceptable as sex within wedlock, where marriage doesn’t necessarily mean monogamy and where longstanding social taboos are cast off.
“In their zeal to justify homosexual practice, these misguided teachers have opened the door wide to incest as well, removing the primary biblical texts that prohibit these sexual unions.
“Society as a whole needs to take heed as well. If we don’t reverse our slide down this slippery moral slope, we will soon crash and burn.”