Opera singer who posted homophobic rant about ‘faecal masses’ cancels apology concert

An opera singer who came under fire for an anti-gay rant in which she referred to gay people as ‘faecal masses’ has cancelled a planned apology show to raise money for gay rights groups.
Georgia-born opera singer Tamar Iveri posted an openly homophobic rant on Facebook in June, welcoming violence against a gay pride parade in Georgia.
The rant, which was addressed to the Georgian president, read in part: “I was quite proud of the fact how Georgian society spat at the parade, organized by your team.
“Often, in certain cases, it is necessary to break jaws in order to be appreciated as a nation in the future, and to be taken into account seriously.
“Please, stop vigorous attempts to bring West’s ‘faecal masses’ in the mentality of the people by means of propaganda.”
The opera star blamed her husband for the homophobic comments, but eventually agreed to scheduled a charity concert in Tbilisi on National Coming Out Day to apologise.
However the concert, which was meant to have taken place today, has not materialised.
Irakli Vacharidze, the head of gay rights group Identoba, posted on Facebook that the concert would not go ahead as Iveri has recently given birth.
He claimed that another apology concert will take place in December.