Owner of Vietnamese Attitude Magazine arrested as part of gambling ring

Among ten people who were arrested in Ho Chi Min suspected of running an illegal gambling ring was the owner of Attitude Magazine’s Vietnamese franchise.
According to Thanh Nien Daily, 10 were arrested by Ho Chi Minh city police several days ago, after transferring over VND$1 trillion (£31 million) in illegal gambling money overseas in recent months.
Gambling is illegal in Vietnam, and police often track the flow of illegal funds.
Among those arrested was 33-year-old To Cong Hung, who owns the franchise to Attitude Magazine in Vietnam.
He is suspected of helping others set up bank accounts in order to receive funds from gamblers online including through 12bet.com, which has its servers in the Philippines.
The group are suspected of sending millions of dollars each month from losers of bets to the owners of 12bet.com.
Police are still investigating.