Are people in London more likely to be gay?

Data has showed that people who live in London are over twice as likely to identify as gay compared to those in Scotland.
The news comes from the UK’s Office for National Statistics, which released data this week from a household survey carried out across the UK last December.
Across the UK, the ONS says that 1.6 percent identify as LGB, with 1.1 percent of the population identifying themselves as gay or lesbian, and 0.5 percent identifying as bisexual.
It found that 92.8 percent of people still identify as heterosexual when only given the labels to choose from – despite a survey finding earlier this year that nearly half of young people do not rank themselves ‘exclusively heterosexual’ when asked to put themselves on a numbered scale of sexuality.
Numbers may be under-represented, however, as a large amount of people declined to answer or did not answer. 3.9 percent of people said they did not know or refused to answer, while a further 1.4 percent did not respond.
However, looking at the data region by region, it shows that Lonndders are far more likely to be lesbian, gay or bisexual – with 2.6 percent of Londoners identifying as LGB.
Scotland has the lowest proportion, with just 1.1 percent of people identifying themselves as LGB.
The South East also had a relatively high proportion of LGB people at 1.8 percent, presumably as a result of Brighton.
The high proportion of LGB Londoners comes despite PinkNews/YouGov polling earlier this year finding that Londoners are the least likely to support a gay or transgender child.
The poll asked adults whether they would support a child if they had a child who was gay, or if they had a child who wants to change their sex.
The PinkNews/YouGov polling earlier this year found that Londoners are over five times more likely to reject support for a gay child – with 13% of Londoners indicating they would not support a gay child, and 20% indicating they would not support a trans child.