Bisexual woman who told Ben Carson ‘you are full of s***’ comes forward (VIDEO)

The woman who confronted homophobic Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson has come forward and explained why she told him he was “full of s***”.
Talking to the Staten Island Advance, medical consultant and LGBT rights activist Rose Uscianowski came forward and explained her reasons for confronting Carson at a town hall meeting earlier this week.
Uscianowski explained that she was tired of hearing political pundits and candidates talk about gay rights in “political” and “academic” terms and wanted to put a face on LGBT issues.
“I wanted to do this to show that gay rights is not just an abstract, political topic.” she explains,
“It’s also a deeply personal topic that affects many people around the US everyday. And the way that candidates talk about gay rights issues has an impact everyday,
“Because it sets a tone for how people talk about and think about gay rights and how they treat people who are outwardly gay.
“I want to call attention to implicit homophobia in the GOP.”
At the town hall meeting Uscianowski challenged Carson’s views on LGBT people, asking the presidential candidate “did I choose to be gay?”
The candidate responded saying “That’s a long conversation,” to which Uscianowski bluntly said “I think you’re full of s***.”
Carson has made a stunning number of homophobic and transphobic statements as he has campaigned for the Republican presidential nomination, including saying that transgender people in the millitary would be a “distraction” and a “social experiment” that the millitary did not need.
He has also stated that he would consider reintroducing don’t ask don’t tell and that he thinks that LGBT people caused the fall of Rome.
Watch the full video here.
And here is her confrontation with Carson.
WATCH: @realBenCarson confronted at Staten Island town hall: “Do you think I chose to be gay?”
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) January 5, 2016