This beautiful film has moved millions in wake of Orlando shooting (VIDEO)

The short shows what it is like to grow up differently to those around you.
A German filmmaker has posted a touching video about the challenges of growing up gay.
Kai Stänicke said the only reason he shared the film was because a friend asked him to in the wake of last week’s homophobic attack in Orlando.
The filmmaker’s friend suggested it would a great way to support the victims of the atrocity.
“In the wake of the tragedy in Orlando a friend asked me to put my short film Golden online so she can share it with some friends,” he explained.
“If it can spread just a tiny bit of love in these devastating times, the film fulfilled its purpose.
“Wherever you are and not matter how tough times are right now: You are never alone. You have a place in life and together we gonna make sure it’s a safe one,” he added.
The short film, titled GOLDEN, shows a gold-coloured boy growing up in a series of short clips.
It depicts life, work and love getting progressively harder as he ages – until he finally finds other’s who are GOLDEN too.
Check out the video below: