Former NFL star Aaron Hernandez might have killed Odin Lloyd to hide bisexuality

The sexual orientation of former NFL star Aaron Hernandez could be linked to why he killed his friend Odin Lloyd, authorities have said.
Hernandez was found hanged in his jail cell on Wednesday before daylight at the Souza Baranowski Correctional Center in Massachusetts.
He was convicted of shooting an killing Lloyd, who was a semi-professional football player, back in 2013.
Police are now looking into whether Hernandez had been taunted by Lloyd about having an affair with a male acquaintance who testified before the grand jury in the case.
Investigators are looking into whether Hernandez killed Lloyd in order to hide his bisexuality from his girlfriend.
According to a co-defendant in the Lloyd murder case, Hernandez had been called a “schmoocher” by Lloyd, which he had interpreted as an anti-gay slur.
Wallace is serving at least four years in jail for helping Hernandez dispose of the murder weapon used to kill Lloyd.
He was also heard speaking to Hernandez’s cousin to say he would not have helped him hide the gun if he had known that he was a “limp wrist”.
Hernandez left three notes before he killed himself.
One was written to his fiancée, one to his daughter and another to a lover he met in jail.
The third letter was writing to a prison lover, who was not identified by authorities, but who is believed to be the last person he spoke to before he hanged himself.
According to, Hernandez was found with a Bible left open on John 3:16, which he had also written across his forehead in a marker.
The verse reads: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
According to the website Hernandez had been planning to kill himself for weeks.
“Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Henry N. Nields performed an autopsy on Mr. Hernandez on Wednesday and concluded today that the manner of death was suicide and the cause asphyxia by hanging,” stated Massachusetts District Attorney Joseph D. Early, Jr. in a statement on Thursday.
“An investigation into the death by the State Police Detectives assigned to the District Attorney’s Office and Department of Correction investigators found cardboard jammed into the door tracks of his single-inmate cell to impede entry into the cell.”
The report adds: “There were no signs of a struggle, and investigators determined that Mr. Hernandez was alone at the time of the hanging.
“Mr. Hernandez was locked in his cell about 8 p.m. and no one entered the cell until a correction officer observed him at 3:03 a.m. and forced his way through the impeded door to render aid.”
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