An angry dad’s hilarious rant about same-sex marriage in Australia has gone viral

Sometimes, one needs beautiful prose to eloquently explain a complex idea.
And sometimes, all you need is an expletive-laden rant from a middle-aged ex-sportsman.
Mark “Angry Dad” Orval, a 49-year-old former Aussie Rules player, is famous for turning the air blue with his sweary tirades, but this may be his best yet, gaining more than 2.5 million views so far.

His sons often wind him up to get the kind of brilliant responses which have gained him more than a million fans on Facebook, and this time was no different.
“Don’t f***ing start me on that s***,” he tells them after they ask him about Australia’s same-sex marriage postal vote – but it’s too late.
The fire is lit. He’s seen red, and once that’s happened there’s no stopping him.
“They’re spending $122 f***ing million on that … to have us f***ing vote as to whether they should allow gay marriage,” he continues.
“Whose business is it of the f***ing politicians to say who we can f***ing marry and can’t marry?
“$122 f***ing million and here’s us seeing sick kids with cancer today, and people are dying in their f***ing homes ’cause they can’t have operations, and these f***heads are spending $122 million.
“$122 f***ing million! Why don’t they take it out of their f***ing superannuation? They won’t do it, ’cause they hide behind parliamentary privilege and all that s***.”
Other members of his family verbally poke and prod him to ensure he doesn’t stop the diatribe, and it works.
“These d***heads got no idea what they’re f***ing talking about,” he says.
“I had a f***ing argument with this guy the other day and seriously I could’ve choked him.”
Suffice to say, he’s not happy with the Australian parliament.

“And even then if the public come back and say mind your own business’, as we should, they don’t have to pass it through parliament. So what’s the f***ing point?” he asks.
“Why don’t they deal with real issues?”
He then outlines one of the major issues with the plebiscite, namely that it’s not binding.
“Aside from that f***ing s***,” he tells his family, “overwhelmingly people might say ‘yes, approve it’ – it doesn’t mean it has to pass through parliament.
“They can just park it and say: ‘Now we know how you f***ing think, but we’re not going to actually listen to you,’ like they do with every other f***ing policy.”
Just in case there was any doubt, Orval tells everyone exactly where he stands on same-sex marriage.
“I’m absolutely for it! But I mean, it’s none of our f***ing business. I don’t care.
“Seriously, it’s a f***ing joke. F***ing ***holes. Everything’s about f***ing politicians.”
Watch the full video below: