Restaurant roasts Israel Folau by donating his payment to an LGBT+ charity

Israel Folau. (Mark Kolbe/Getty Images)

Homophobic rugby star Israel Folau and his wife Maria managed to make the lives of LGBT+ youth a little better yesterday, albeit, unknowingly.

The duo dined at a vegan restaurant in Australia a couple weeks ago.

But the owners decided to pull a fast one on the disgraced sportsperson by donating his payment to a queer youth charity.

Gorilla Kitchen thanked Folau in a Facebook post yesterday which comes just days after he said the gays are back at it again with their weather-changing powers and have caused the bushfires blanketing Australia.

Israel Folau ‘inadvertently’ shows support for LGBT+ community, says vegan café.

It’s safe to say the Auckland restaurant served up sass on its social media last night.

“Well we are proud to say that Israel Folau and his wife Maria Folau have inadvertently shown their support to Rainbow Youth,” the plant-based eatery posted, paired with a picture of an LGBT+ Pride flag.

“We don’t turn anyone away at Gorilla Kitchen, because we love everyone, not just animals.

“So, when Israel and Maria came in again a couple of weeks ago, we happily served them, hydrated them and fed them.

“What they didn’t realise was their money spent at Gorilla Kitchen was going to be donated to Rainbow Youth, an organisation that embraces diversity and offers support for our young and vulnerable rainbow community.

“Glad to see they are not ashamed for supporting such a great cause.”

After preheating your oven, roast the Folau, basting halfway through cooking time. Season appropriately.

Extra salty is preferred.

The café then encouraged followers to support the charity, and head over to the Rainbow Youth website.

Who is Israel Folau?

Earlier this year, Folau, 30, saw his four year contract with his team torn up and himself plunged into controversy after he made controversial comments on his Instagram account.

He posted a message telling gay people, alcoholics and atheists that “hell awaits” them.

Israel Folau departs after Rugby Australia's code of conduct hearing. (Matt King/Getty Images)

Israel Folau departs after Rugby Australia’s code of conduct hearing. (Matt King/Getty Images)

It kicked off a furore, a lengthy court battle and a surreal scene where his supporters raised money for his legal fees despite him being a millionaire.

He has since asserted that he has “no regrets” over the comments that effectively ended his career.

Moreover, he has since eclipsed them by linking marriage equality to the deadly wildfires that have destroyed around 2.5 million acres of farmland over the last few weeks.

Comments that attracted support even from some lawmakers.