This gay guy’s family for some reason thinks his open marriage is any of their business

A gay man is in a happy, loving relationship – with two other men – and naturally, his family are not happy about it.
Funnily enough, it is not the parents of the man who are unhappy with the arrangement. Instead, it’s his two sisters and brother-in-law who have taken issue with the set-up.
The troubling situation was written about in a letter to an advice columnist at Canada’s The Star. The father of one-third of the throuple wrote in to find out what he should do about the awkwardness that has sprung up around his children and their partners.
“Out adult son’s in a long-standing gay and open marriage, with a young son,” the father writes.
“They have a third mutual partner who doesn’t live with them but spends a lot of time with them.
“He’s very good with their child and we find him very likeable. His own family isn’t supportive of his choices.”
So far, so good. It sounds like a perfectly healthy and happy family set-up. But there’s a straight man lurking in the background of this story, ready to pounce.
Their daughter’s husband is ‘uncomfortable’ with the open marriage.
“Our daughter’s husband is uncomfortable with this person and the arrangement,” the father writes.
“The couple, who have a young child, now avoid coming to our place when the other family’s present. Our daughter feels pulled between her husband and her brother.”
Our daughter’s husband is uncomfortable with this person and the arrangement.
Furthermore, the writer of the letter has another adult child, who is single, who is apparently left “uncomfortable” when the three men make “gay jokes”. She gracefully “still attends dinner” despite her issues with her brother and his partners.
The father goes on to say that he is afraid their relationship with their son-in-law will suffer, and said they are often questioned as to why they don’t put the foot down over the situation.
The advice columnist recommends they alternate Christmases and tone down ‘gay jokes’.
“He’s been very accepting of my son and partner in the past,” he adds. “He feels that vows are important, that the ‘open” relationship will be harmful to their son and confusing to his young daughter.”
In response, the advice columnist for The Star tells the man that his son’s open marriage is not that uncommon – and says that there is no reason why the relationship has to be unhealthy.
The agony aunt goes on to suggest that they alternate Christmases to avoid conflict and says that the gay throuple should tone down their gay jokes.