This is why should you volunteer for Cancer Research UK

Shaking their donation buckers full of loose change with a smile, volunteers are vital for Cancer Research UK. (Cancer Research UK)
Some rattle plastic buckets outside train stations. Some hang up donating clothing in stores. Others limber up to run marathons, swim across oceans or walk across muddied fields.
The countless volunteers that come together during days off work, an hour or two in between meetings or during sun-splashed weekends are a lifeline for Cancer Research UK.
As one of the world’s leading independent cancer charities – pioneering new and innovative ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer – the volunteers keep the organisation working to see three out of every four people living with cancer survive by the year 2034.
Why should you volunteer for Cancer Research UK?
Cancer Research UK is dedicated to saving the lives of those affected by the more than 200 strains of cancer. With donations from the public, the charity funds laboratories that could, one day, find a cure to the disease.

In their iconic hot pink, Cancer Research UK volunteers are a plank of the British high street. (Cancer Research UK)
But the charity is kept afloat by more than 40,000 volunteers who, across the UK, use their time to campaign for the charity, keep events ticking and to even share stories of who they have been impacted by cancer.
The nation is dotted with fundraising groups and Cancer Research UK shops for people to volunteer at.
But volunteering isn’t just shaking buckets or ringing the tills, it can also include volunteering through your workplace and helping raise awareness by telling your story.
Cancer Research UK aims to become a support network for its volunteers. Encouraging an inclusive space for volunteers of all sexual orientations and gender identities to come together and beat cancer.
Sign up to join your community and volunteer with Cancer Research UK.