Anti-gay schoolgirl fails homework assignment

An Australian schoolgirl has failed an assignment after refusing to write about homosexuality,
Evangelicals and conservative politicians are reportedly outraged that the 13-year-old was failed for expressing her religious beliefs at the Brisbane school.
She refused to complete the grade-nine project on life as a heterosexual in a moon based gay colony. It was supposed to teach students what it was like to live as a minority, but the girl refused to complete the work saying she had been brought up to believe homosexuality was a sin.
Her mother has expressed shock at the grade, she told the Sunday Mail newspaper, “When I started to read it I thought, ‘Oh my God’ . . . I was shocked by the content.”
Queensland state Opposition Leader Jeff Seeney said schools should be concentrating on proper subjects, he said: “It’s no wonder our kids are struggling with the basics when the Government is allowing this sort of rubbish to be taught in the classroom.”
The controversy comes after calls from Education Minister Julie Bishop, to take education away from “ideologues” in the states and put it back into the hands of federal government.