Polish President warns against “gay culture”

Whilst on a visit to Britain, The President of Poland, Lech Kaczyński has spoken out against “gay culture,” warning that it may cause the death of heterosexuality within Europe.
stration whose main objective was an incitement to hate and intolerance toward LGBT people.
Mr Kaczyński who had talks with the Prime Minister, Tony Blair spoke to the BBC’s News Night programme earlier tonight.
Quizzed on his stance on gay rights by Kirsty Wark, Mr Kaczyński said: “I haven’t changed my position at all.” Adding: “There always have been and always will be homosexuals in Poland, they forge careers for themselves they are active in society.”
Controversially, he went on to say: “That’s one thing, but as for what’s called ‘gay culture’, it can never be seen as an alternative to heterosexual culture.
“If a ‘gay culture’ were to be an accepted alternative it could mean that especially here in europe, our heterosexual culture would disappear.”
When he was Mayor of Warsaw, he, refused to issue a permit “for a Gay Pride parade. A short while later he issued a permit for a normality parade,” which was denounced by the International Lesbian and Gay Association as a “demonstration whose main objective was an incitement to hate and intolerance toward LGBT people.”