Cyber centre for LGBT silver surfers opens in New York
SAGE, the world’s oldest and largest non-profit agency dedicated to serving and advocating for LGBT older people, has opened a fully-equipped Cyber Centre at their offices in New York City.
“It has been a dream for SAGE for years because we know that computers and the internet are a great way for older people to stay connected to each other and the community, and that’s what SAGE is all about,” said executive director Michael Adams.
The SAGE Cyber Centre offers ten-week courses by Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) teaching users how to master computer basics and use of the internet.
Classes began earlier this year in intergenerational collaboration between SAGE, OATS, and the LGBT Community Centre’s Youth Enrichment Services programme.
The young people acted as instructional assistants, providing some hands-on support to the seniors as the instructor takes them through the class.
The first class of seniors graduated in April 2008.