Shock figures on homophobic bullying in schools revealed by NUT surveys

Prevalance of Homophobia surveys conducted in the north-west of England by Oldham National Union of Teachers have revealed shock figures relating to homophobic bullying in schools.
The surveys, timed to coincide with last Monday’s International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO), have revealed that nearly 100 per cent of teachers have witnessed homophobia among pupils and 50 per cent have been victims of it themselves. Jeff Evans, Oldham NUT Equalities Officer said to Scools Out: “When will people realise that homophobia is a form of child abuse? Outside the protective walls of the school, many homphobic incidents would be seen as hate crimes.”
Lesley Auger, Salford NUT Secretary, told Schools OUT: “This survey adds further evidence to the growing corpus of academic research into the widespread and often serious consequences for pupils, students and school staff by unchallenged homophobia. We hope that this survey will help Salford’s school leaders to take up the gauntlet and challenge homophobia in our schools.”
The full results of the respective surveys can be viewed at the Schools OUT website.